Yuktix Sensor Catalogue

Technical Specifications


Tipping Bucket mechanism with Magnetic reed switch.
Output is contact closure on 4-conductor 26 AWG cable.
Collection area is 214 square cm.
Accuracy: +/- 4% of total or one tip of the bucket (whichever is greater) for rain rates upto 2 inch/hour.
For rain rates from 2 inch/hour to 4 inch/hour , +/- 5% of total or one tip of the bucket.
Resolution: of 0.01 inch or 0.1 mm (adjustable).


Range is 300-1100 hPa,
Resolution is 0.06 hPa to 0.02hPa.
Operating range is -40C to 85C. Best results in 0C to 65C range.
Long term stability is +/- 1 hPa/year.


Resolution is +/- 0.04 (min) to max +/- 0.01.
Typical accuracy is +/- 0.3 (maximal is +/- 1.5) .
Repeatability is (+/-) 0.1 celsius.
Operating Range -40 to 123 Celsius.
Long term drift is < 0.04 Celsius/year.

Relative Humidity

Resolution is 0.4 (min), 0.05 (typical) and 0.05 (max) in percentage.
Accuracy is (+/-) 2% (typical) to maximal +/- 4%.
Repeatability is +/- 0.1%.
Response time is 8 seconds.
Operating Range 0-100% RH.
Long term drift is < 0.5 RH%/year.

Wind Speed

Range: 1 to 200 mph, 1 to 173 knots ,0.5 to 89m/s, 1 to 322 km/h.
Accuracy: ±2mph ( 3km/h, 1m/s) or ±5 %,whichever is greater.
Resolution is 1mph (1knot, 0.1m/s, 1km/hr)

Wind Direction

Range: 0°to 360°or 16 compass points.
Accuracy: +/- 7 degrees.
Resolution: 1 degree. 22.5 degrees between compass points.

Solar Radiation Sensor

Range: 0-1800 W/m^2
Drift: upto +/- 2% /year
Accuracy: +/- 5% of Full scale
Operating Temperature: -40 -65C
Spectral response: 400-1100 nm

Leaf wetness

Measurement time 10 ms
Operating environment: -10°C to 60°C
No Painting required
Detects presence or absence of wetness

Soil Moisture and Temperature

Range: Dielectric permittivity 1-80
can be calibrated for mineral soil, Potting soil, Rockwool and perlite
Temperature -40 to 50C with resolution 0.1C
50-110C with resolution 0.5C
Accuracy: +/- 1 from 1-40, +/- 15% from 40-80
Resolution: dielectric permittivity : 0.1 from 1-20, < 0.75 from 20-80
temperature: 0.1C

CO sensor SKU YCOA

CO sensor
Range: 0-300 ppm
Accuracy: +/- 3ppm
Repeatability: +/- 3% of reading Long term output drift: <5% signal loss/year
Response: t(90) < 50 seconds
Operating: -10C to 50C Mounting 1.5m-1.8, above floor
Humidity: 15-90% non-condensing

CO sensor SKU YCOB

YCO2 CO sensor
Range: 0-1000 ppm
Repeatability: +/- 1% of reading
Response time: < 15 seconds
Accuracy: +/- 1ppm
Operating environment: -40C to 70C 0-100% RH

CO2 sensor

NDIR sensor
Range: 0-2000ppm
Repeatability: +/- 1% of reading
Accuracy: +/- 3% reading
Long term drift: < +/- 10ppm/year
Response time: < 10 sec
Operating environment: 0-50C

Suspended Particles (PM) or Dust sensor

particle size: approx. 1um (min.) - 10 um,
Range: concentration 0-28000 pcs/Litre or 8000 pcs/ 0.01CF
Operating condition: 0-45C, < 95% RH Max

Ambient Noise

A-weighted average & Peak output
Bandwidth: 20Hz - 20Khz ( -3db BANDWIDTH )
S/N Ratio : -90 db
Distortion : 0.01%

NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) Sensor

Range: 0-20 ppm
Repeatability: +/- 3% of reading
Response: < 15s typical
Operating range: -40 to 50C, 0-100% RH

SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) Sensor

Range: 0-20 ppm
Repeatability: +/- 3% of reading
Response: < 15s typical
Operating range: -30 to 50C, 0-100% RH

Ozone (O3) Sensor

Range: 0-20 ppm
Repeatability: +/- 3% of reading
Response: < 15s typical
Operating range: -30 to 50C, 0-100% RH